How to install PyCharm (on Windows)

Last updated Aug-2024. Here you can follow step-by-step instructions on how to install PyCharm on Windows.

You need Python

You need to have Python installed. If you want to know if you have Python installed on your system follow these steps to check, using the Command Promt:

  1. Click the search box on your windows taskbar.
  2. Type: “cmd” and press enter.
  3. In the Command Promt type: “python –version”

It should show: “Python version 3.12.5” or the version you have installed. If it does not show this then you need to install Python.

You can follow this guide: How to install Python (on Windows)

Install the Jetbrains Toolbox

The recommended way of installing PyCharm is to use the Jetbrain Toolbox app.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Download.

  3. Save the file on your computer.
  4. Go to your downloads folder and open the file to start the installation.
  5. Click on “Install”.

  6. Click on “Continue”.

Install PyCharm with the Jetbrain Toolbox

Now you can use the Jetbrains Toolbox to install PyCharm.

  1. Open the Jetbrains Toolbox.
  2. Click on the search icon.

  3. Type: pycharm
  4. Find “PyCharm Community” and click “install”.

Now you can run PyCharm on your system.

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