[Last updated: Aug 2024] Here you can follow step-by-step instructions on how to install Python on Windows.
- Go to: https://www.python.org/
- Hover the mouse cursor over “Downloads”
- Click on “Python 3.12.5” or the version that you see.
- Save the file on your computer.
- Go to your downloads folder and open the file to start the installation.
- Click on “add python.exe to PATH”
- Click “Install Now”
- Click on “Disable path length limit”
- Click on “Close” to close the installer.
Check if Python was installed
If you want to be sure that you successfully installed Python on your computer then you can follow these steps to check, using the Command Promt:
- Click the search box on your windows taskbar.
- Type: “cmd” and press enter.
- In the Command Promt type: “python –version”
It should show: “Python version 3.12.5” or whatever your version is.
What is Python?
Python is one of the most popular programming languages in 2024 and its popularity is growing. It has been around since the late 1980s when it was invented by Guido van Rossum. It’s known for being easily understood when you read the code and easy to use. It has a less complex syntax than other programming languages. Python can be used in many different areas of software development and it has gained popularity with the rise of AI. This is because it is the most widely-used programming language within AI and machine learning.